Friday, March 5, 2021

Packing for the trip...

     A little over a year ago I was sitting at my desk and wondering how exactly I got there. I had been at this job for over 15 years, and overall I enjoyed it. However, something kept telling me that I wasn't happy. I wasn't accomplishing what I wanted. I wasn't able to grow within the company as I had hoped. Then COVID-19 began. They closed schools and local businesses and the world became an unknown and scary place. With my family in mind (a husband and two kids) I decided to resign from my job in order to stay home with my children. My role in life was suddenly CHAOTIC. I didn't have a job, a monetary means, or a schedule. I was suddenly thrown into becoming a homeschool teacher, a housewife, a stay at home mom, a maid, a giver of all things, and a taker of nothing. 

    I've lived my life always doing things for others and rarely for myself. I kept thinking of all the things I've always wanted to do, to accomplish, to try, to complete. I made the decision that I was finally going to do something for me. So, I applied to college. I chose a path that was on a completely different spectrum than my previous career. (Did I mention I was a nurse?) I chose something that I've always loved...English. I aspire to be a writer, an editor, a proofreader, a graphic designer - maybe all of them! And maybe none of them. Only time will tell...

This is a journey through organized chaos. 

A journey I've been yearning for...and I'm so happy that I've finally started packing for the trip. 

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