Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Technology is great...right?

     My daughter had braces and an expander placed this past Monday. For those of you who have never had braces (myself included) they can be kind of tricky. This expander has a key that has to be turned a set number of times a day for a couple weeks. Easy right? WRONG. 

    First of all, covid has again interrupted the norm and chaperones are no longer allowed in this office. Second, instructions given in a dark waiting room are not advised (by me). I want to interrupt and state that the instructions were pretty well done, but the visual aspect was just not possible. (Then again it's been awhile since I've had an eye exam.) I'm told that I'll be sent a video to my email address on file with detailed instructions. Sounds good right? WRONG. 

    I never received any videos. Instead I called the office this morning to ask for the videos and confirm my email address on file. Want to guess what wasn't correct? RIGHT. My email was off by one letter. I anxiously await my videos today. Sadly, I never received the instructions for the key. Though I did get a pretty thorough video explaining brushing and flossing with braces. 

I learned several *key* things today:

1. Technology is great...when the information is presented to the correct source. Always confirm your information is correct!

2. Communication is key. (See what I did there?) Don't be afraid to call and ask questions. 

3. YouTube is also great...found a very detailed video on turning the key of an expander this evening. You really can find just about anything on this platform. 👍

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