Friday, April 16, 2021

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

 "A picture is worth a thousand words."

What does this phrase even mean? I've heard it my whole life, but never really thought about the true meaning. When I Googled this phrase, I found this definition:

"It is an English language adage meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description." (Via Wikipedia.)

So, how can you relay a message or information using only a picture?

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Picks Their 41 Top Images of 2018

(Source - National Geographic -

What do you think this squirrel is trying to say? How could you use this picture? Perhaps you could add some comedic relief to a report that wants you to "stop and review" or "wait, read this first." You could place this picture in your classroom when you want children to "wait here for the teacher." 

What about this one...?Grumpy Cat, photographed by Bryan Bundesen, of Galion, Ohio, has become an Internet celebrity, averaging 16,000 to 32,000 unique visitors per day.

(Source USA Today -

Does this cat look happy? Not particularly. But is this cat mad? Likely not. It's all about perception. This sweet kitty became an internet sensation only because of her face. I don't need to know if she's mad or not, because I perceive she is and I've made my judgement. Which tells you a lot about perception and also nonverbal cues. 

It's amazing how little wording you need to use to get your point across. Adding visuals to your content can make it interesting and easy to understand. And who can resist these cute animal pictures? 

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