Friday, April 9, 2021

Keep Calm and Share On...

This week I'm doing something a little different. 

------Instead of telling you about what I've learned, I'm hoping to teach YOU something. ------

So...we were assigned a project to complete in class. The project was to teach our professor about a *new* technology. I was really stumped on what to do and I obsessed over this for a long time. 

Then it hit me. --------------> I did a video presentation on a platform called Canva. 

Haven't heard of it? Good. 

The short description:

Canva is a graphic design platform that allows it's users to create documents based on templates and design elements that they provide. It's a free service. FREE!! 

The long description:

Click here to watch  ----------->>>>> Canva Presentation

Disclaimer - This presentation was created using Canva - with a slight snag...the video presentation is still a beta - and there was an issue at the end that I hadn't anticipated. I had created a second video with screen-sharing to provide a "tour" of the desktop application. This video was placed on the last slide. Once I got to that slide, the presentation wouldn't allow me to play it myself, so I asked the viewer to press play to watch. However, the viewer couldn't press play either. This is an issue that I've brought to their attention and hope that they can resolve it. (Even great technology sometimes fails you - lesson learned.)

Alas, I hope you enjoy my video and maybe I can teach you about Canva too. 

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