Friday, March 19, 2021

Social Objects, Classmates, and Ice Storms...How Do These Connect?

 This week, our reading and discussion is centered around SOCIAL OBJECTS. 

My definition of a social object is anything that can form a connection between two things. For instance, a Facebook post about a book that I want to read, an Instagram post with a picture of a new menu item at my favorite restaurant, or a new product in a newsletter from Ulta. All these things can connect me with something that I love. 

Another student made a great post this week about a life experience that connected her with others. Being someone that holds our Veterans in high regards, this story really touched me when I read it. I want to share it with you because I think you'll find that it can connect to you in some way too. 

Go here -----------------------> Digital Illiteracies

After I read her post, it got me thinking about my own connections with others...

    In the middle of a global pandemic, it's often hard to feel that connection with people you're trying to avoid. However, a few weeks ago our beautiful state suffered from severe snow and ice storms that left thousands without electric, water, or internet service for DAYS. In my neighborhood, we are one of the only homes that had a generator and a gas stove. We found ourselves reaching out to all our neighbors to help supply, heat, coffee, love, and support. I've never felt so fortunate in an unfortunate time in our lives. It's often in tragedy that you find true kindness and compassion. Ironically, it was a storm that presented as a social object in this scenario. 

Next time you're walking to the mailbox, wave to your neighbor. You never know when you'll need them. 


  1. Hi Rheanna.
    I think the idea of a social media being a social object is very true. In my discussion, I focused on the use of social media as a strong way to create connections with people during these times of not being able to have much social interaction. I think having a strong connection with your neighbors is a very good as you may need to depend on them for something down the road. My neighbors are all on the older side, so my dad does a lot of helping them and being sure that they have something done that they need.

  2. The connection you made about the snow storm being a social object is super neat. I agree that a social object can be anything that really brings on communication. The snow storms did this for you, as it would for any kind hearted person. Not everyone is so generous unfortunately and I think that plays a big part in social objects because we all think of them differently.
