Friday, March 26, 2021

When it comes to research...Google has it all...

This week we are discussing the concept of "digital literacy," which is fitting...because, well... it's the title of the class. 

So, what is digital literacy? 

Digital literacy: is about knowing how to conduct online research...

and knowing how to interpret what you've read.

Sounds easy enough. I mean, if it's on the internet, it's true right? 

When I think of online research, the first thing I think of is "I'll Google it." 

Google. The search engine of everything. But is Google just a search engine, or is there more than meets the eye? The answer is much more. 

  • Google Scholar - this portion of Google provides a way to search for literature such as articles, journals, and books that are centered around academics. 
  • Google Shopping - (one of my personal favorites)
  • Google News - all news, all the time.
  • Google Trends - this one is really neat - it will show you what is "trending" in your subject or area that you search. 
  • Google Books - I think this one is self-explanatory. 
There are so many other sites, but I wanted to end on something fun. Google is a great place for all different types of digital information, but it's not all literature and news. 

Check out this YouTube video on some of the "hidden" gems of Google:

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