Friday, March 26, 2021

When it comes to research...Google has it all...

This week we are discussing the concept of "digital literacy," which is fitting...because, well... it's the title of the class. 

So, what is digital literacy? 

Digital literacy: is about knowing how to conduct online research...

and knowing how to interpret what you've read.

Sounds easy enough. I mean, if it's on the internet, it's true right? 

When I think of online research, the first thing I think of is "I'll Google it." 

Google. The search engine of everything. But is Google just a search engine, or is there more than meets the eye? The answer is much more. 

  • Google Scholar - this portion of Google provides a way to search for literature such as articles, journals, and books that are centered around academics. 
  • Google Shopping - (one of my personal favorites)
  • Google News - all news, all the time.
  • Google Trends - this one is really neat - it will show you what is "trending" in your subject or area that you search. 
  • Google Books - I think this one is self-explanatory. 
There are so many other sites, but I wanted to end on something fun. Google is a great place for all different types of digital information, but it's not all literature and news. 

Check out this YouTube video on some of the "hidden" gems of Google:

Friday, March 19, 2021

Social Objects, Classmates, and Ice Storms...How Do These Connect?

 This week, our reading and discussion is centered around SOCIAL OBJECTS. 

My definition of a social object is anything that can form a connection between two things. For instance, a Facebook post about a book that I want to read, an Instagram post with a picture of a new menu item at my favorite restaurant, or a new product in a newsletter from Ulta. All these things can connect me with something that I love. 

Another student made a great post this week about a life experience that connected her with others. Being someone that holds our Veterans in high regards, this story really touched me when I read it. I want to share it with you because I think you'll find that it can connect to you in some way too. 

Go here -----------------------> Digital Illiteracies

After I read her post, it got me thinking about my own connections with others...

    In the middle of a global pandemic, it's often hard to feel that connection with people you're trying to avoid. However, a few weeks ago our beautiful state suffered from severe snow and ice storms that left thousands without electric, water, or internet service for DAYS. In my neighborhood, we are one of the only homes that had a generator and a gas stove. We found ourselves reaching out to all our neighbors to help supply, heat, coffee, love, and support. I've never felt so fortunate in an unfortunate time in our lives. It's often in tragedy that you find true kindness and compassion. Ironically, it was a storm that presented as a social object in this scenario. 

Next time you're walking to the mailbox, wave to your neighbor. You never know when you'll need them. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Blogs are...BUSY!

     I've read and subscribed to several blogs over the years. They mostly share opinions on things like books, products, or travel. I always felt it was one person just writing their opinion online to share with others. Reading the chapters this week for class, I learned that sometimes it takes a village to keep these blogs running. From things like keeping a publishing schedule to doing actual research for the blog itself. Research that could include surfing Google for keywords that people are currently searching for. I didn't even know you could do that! Suffice it to say, I have a lot to learn about blogging. Especially blogging for business. 

Also interesting was the definition of a "meme." 

Meme - an idea that is spread from individual to individual, culturally.

Now, in it's simplest form, I understand that. However, if you asked me what I thought it was, I'd say a picture with comical wording attached...

FUNNY MEMES!!! The 150 Funniest Memes Of All-Time! - Yellow Octopus

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Technology is great...right?

     My daughter had braces and an expander placed this past Monday. For those of you who have never had braces (myself included) they can be kind of tricky. This expander has a key that has to be turned a set number of times a day for a couple weeks. Easy right? WRONG. 

    First of all, covid has again interrupted the norm and chaperones are no longer allowed in this office. Second, instructions given in a dark waiting room are not advised (by me). I want to interrupt and state that the instructions were pretty well done, but the visual aspect was just not possible. (Then again it's been awhile since I've had an eye exam.) I'm told that I'll be sent a video to my email address on file with detailed instructions. Sounds good right? WRONG. 

    I never received any videos. Instead I called the office this morning to ask for the videos and confirm my email address on file. Want to guess what wasn't correct? RIGHT. My email was off by one letter. I anxiously await my videos today. Sadly, I never received the instructions for the key. Though I did get a pretty thorough video explaining brushing and flossing with braces. 

I learned several *key* things today:

1. Technology is great...when the information is presented to the correct source. Always confirm your information is correct!

2. Communication is key. (See what I did there?) Don't be afraid to call and ask questions. 

3. YouTube is also great...found a very detailed video on turning the key of an expander this evening. You really can find just about anything on this platform. 👍

Friday, March 5, 2021

Packing for the trip...

     A little over a year ago I was sitting at my desk and wondering how exactly I got there. I had been at this job for over 15 years, and overall I enjoyed it. However, something kept telling me that I wasn't happy. I wasn't accomplishing what I wanted. I wasn't able to grow within the company as I had hoped. Then COVID-19 began. They closed schools and local businesses and the world became an unknown and scary place. With my family in mind (a husband and two kids) I decided to resign from my job in order to stay home with my children. My role in life was suddenly CHAOTIC. I didn't have a job, a monetary means, or a schedule. I was suddenly thrown into becoming a homeschool teacher, a housewife, a stay at home mom, a maid, a giver of all things, and a taker of nothing. 

    I've lived my life always doing things for others and rarely for myself. I kept thinking of all the things I've always wanted to do, to accomplish, to try, to complete. I made the decision that I was finally going to do something for me. So, I applied to college. I chose a path that was on a completely different spectrum than my previous career. (Did I mention I was a nurse?) I chose something that I've always loved...English. I aspire to be a writer, an editor, a proofreader, a graphic designer - maybe all of them! And maybe none of them. Only time will tell...

This is a journey through organized chaos. 

A journey I've been yearning for...and I'm so happy that I've finally started packing for the trip.